Our company works only with reliable and trusted partner-suppliers of the necessary components (components) for our products. And periodically we check the quality of these components. And now, the management of the company, at the invitation of the company “Aumüller GMBH”, made a trip to Germany, to their production and office premises in order to check the quality of manufacturing, assembly and testing of electric drives and automation of smoke exhaust and ventilation systems. During this trip, we once again confirmed with our own eyes the consistently high quality of Aumüller GMBH products. We have seen how they design, manufacture, assemble and test all types of their products, have been trained on both standard products and new product samples. The company’s specialists gave answers to questions of interest to us and our customers about installation, working conditions in our market, layout, maintenance, etc. Also, the head of the sales department of our company was trained and received the appropriate certificate!